Sunday, August 15, 2010

how to meditate in daily life: be a baby bodhisattva

Here's a great audio by John Crook, a Zen teacher out of England, one whom has been accredited by Master Sheng Yen...
Crook directs his talk on how to be a baby bodhisattva in this world. And similarly on this side of the ocean, Dharma Punx Noah Levine YouTubes on how we can be a baby bodhisattva at

And a new insert for this blog, Really famous Zen Masters, or "Watch it, whether you answer correctly or incorrectly to Zen master's question, you still get 30 whacks from the incense stick. Ouch!!!"

Here is a story about the Sixth Patriarch, Dajian Huineng (678-713), one of the preeminent Zen masters in the Chan lineage.

The monk Yin Zong expounded on the Buddhist sutras. One day during his lecture a storm came up. Seeing a banner waving in the wind, he asked his audience, "is the wind moving or is the flag moving?"

Someone said, "The wind is moving."

Someone else said, "The flag is moving."

The two people held fast to their viewpoints and asked Yin Zong to say who was right. But Yin Zong had no way to decide, so he asked Huineng, who was standing nearby, to resolve the issue.

Hiuineng said, "Neither the wind nor the flag is moving."

Yin Zong said, "Then, what is it that is moving?"

Huineng said, "Your mind is moving."

...from Zen's Chinese Heritage, The Masters and Their Teachings by Andy Ferguson. This book also has a pull out chronological map of all the Zen masters whom ever graced our planet.


There will be a class this evening the 19th of August at the Salish House, Lewis Park Recreation Centre. A problem has come up in booking the Salish House. Courtenay Recreation has just informed me Thursday nights will no longer be available; they have rebooked Salish House with another program....and this after repeatedly requesting permission to use the facility same place same time. More to come. If anyone knows of a meeting place, preferably public, please let me know. Our last class at the Salish will be the 9th of September.

Also check out:
Master Cheng in Facebook
and the Western Chan Fellowship at

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