Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Three day September Chan Retreat

An upcoming three day Chan retreat:

Hope your summer is going well. The Hermitage, a retreat centre on Denman Island, has made available their space for the 2nd weekend in September for a 3 day Chan retreat, the 10th, 11th, 12th with participant arrival on Thursday night. There are 6 cabins and a tenting site.

Check out the Hermitage at http://www.dharmafellowship.org/
By donation.
Let me know ASAP if this commitment to your practice has a pull on you.

Check out Brad Warner. He is a zen teacher with a website at http://hardcorezen.blogspot.com and has written Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in Chocolate,available at the Courtenay library. Brad Warner "shatters expectations, revealing that Buddhism isn't some esoteric pie-in-the-sky ultimate solution but an exceptionally practical way to deal with whatever life dishes out." Warner is definitely not what one would expect from a Zen teacher.

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