Monday, April 20, 2015

July 18 Chan Bethlehem Retreat changed to Sunshine Coast

Very Important News:
The Bethlehem Retreat Centre in Nanaimo has changed ownership and the centre may not be able to guarantee our retreat date on the 18th of July. We have been very fortunate to find another centre, and at a third of the cost.

This retreat is a 7 day retreat. However, if that time period is unattainable, register instead for a 3 day retreat. It is suitable for both seasoned and beginners.
Place :
Sunshine Zen Centre 日光禪寺11148 Sunshine Coast Highway / HYW 101Halfmoon Bay, B.C.V0N 1Y2, Canada
* Time :      July 18 - 25* Fee :        C$ 250 (as donation for food & board)* Optional : 3-day (C$ 100)* Register : (1) Adrian : <>                   (2) Lisa Su : <>   Please Register ASAP 
1. MAIN WEBSITE: Cosmos Chan Zen Community at
2. Master Cheng Yen in Facebook;
3. Listen to dharma talks with Gilbert Gutierrez
4. Listen/download audio talks from the Tallahassee   Chan group at
5. the Western Chan Fellowship at
6. Questions?  Adrian at 250 650 9055; and this blog

Sunday, April 19, 2015

A new Contemplation group in Courtenay

Please Note:  The CHAN Thursday evenings at Courtenay Elementary School will be changed to 1460 Grieve Ave, Courtenay starting the 23rd of April


1.  The Name of the Meditation Group: CONTEMPLATIVE SITTINGS
2.  Date of Meeting: On the last Sunday of the month, starting May 31st.
3.  Time: from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.
4.  Bring your mat & cushion - chairs will be provided
5.  Location: 2405 Back Road - someone will direct to parking & coffee till 8:45 am.
6.  RSVP : Before May 15. (To find new location if the group is too large)
7.  Format: Sittings (20 min.) slow walk (l0 min.) inside
8.  Break at 11:00 am: walk outside, weather permitting;11:30 am: short conference or individual interview. Meditation will continue with a volunteer TIME KEEPER during the interviews.

For me, meditation and contemplation are similar, at least in the first stage.. My practice is a Zen-style methodology (breathing in and out and counting from 1 to 10), but any other way is fine if it is helpful to you.  When thoughts and feelings come up, name them and start again. 

The conference or interviews may help you sort out problems in your practice or deep pains like recurring anguish.from the stories that the "monkey mind" spins in your head.  People meditate for a variety of reasons, from relaxation, to increase memory, to becoming more aware and stopping the monkey mind.  

Whereas Zen practice points to emptiness and eventually to Enlightenment, Contemplation seeks to find the deeper Self,  inner clarity, more authenticity, an ability to embrace a new way of "knowing" and a meaningful Truth that will lead to willing sacrifice and service for others.


I have been meditating for more than 30 years and have trained with various masters of  SEVERAL traditions,  I have also trained in Clinical Pastoral Education in Ohio and am working as an on-call chaplain at St Joseph Hospital in Comox. I am  also a Certified Spiritual Director with a private practice in Courtenay.

1. MAIN WEBSITE: Cosmos Chan Zen Community at
2. Master Cheng Yen in Facebook;
3. Listen to dharma talks with Gilbert Gutierrez
4. Listen/download audio talks from the Tallahassee   Chan group at
5. the Western Chan Fellowship at
6. Questions?  Adrian at 250 650 9055; and this blog


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Chan meditation starts again this 16th of April

Time to start anew this spring...and from a Dzogchen Treasure Text of Nuden Dorje entitled The Mirror of Clear Meaning we gain some insight into the nature of Mind...
What is called 'mind' cannot be identified as this or that. It is not an entity and it has no defining characteristics. If you search for it, it cannot be found for it has baeen empty from the very beginning, without substantial essence. Empty is is beyond expression, untouched by birth, death, coming and going. It is not created by any cause nor destroyed by any condition. It remains untouched in emptiness, free of increase and decrease, development and decline, or any kind of 74-75 translation/commentary by James Low.

Peaceful Resolution

Local mediation project trains residents in war-torn Africa to solve conflicts in a non-violent way
“I saw that it was possible to survive, not just physically but also psychologically. I saw forgiveness. Seeing all that—you end up feeling awe,” says George Brose (left), of his time spent in Africa. Brose will be heading back to Rwanda with colleague Adrian Symonds this summer. Photo by Boomer Jerritt
We are looking for financial assistance fpr our trip to Rwanda this summer. You can receive a Canadian Charitable Receipt for your donation. Google for more information.


1. MAIN WEBSITE: Cosmos Chan Zen Community at
2. Master Cheng Yen in Facebook;
3. Listen to dharma talks with Gilbert Gutierrez
4. Listen/download audio talks from the Tallahassee   Chan group at
5. the Western Chan Fellowship at
6. Questions?  Adrian at 250 650 9055; and this blog